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This function returns an object of class mev_gev, with default methods for printing and quantile-quantile plots. The default starting values are the solution of the probability weighted moments.


  start = NULL,
  method = c("nlminb", "BFGS"),
  show = FALSE,
  fpar = NULL,
  warnSE = FALSE



a numeric vector of data to be fitted.


named list of starting values


string indicating the outer optimization routine for the augmented Lagrangian. One of nlminb or BFGS.


logical; if TRUE (the default), print details of the fit.


a named list with optional fixed components loc, scale and shape


logical; if TRUE, a warning is printed if the standard errors cannot be returned from the observed information matrix when the shape is less than -0.5.


a list containing the following components:

  • estimate a vector containing the maximum likelihood estimates.

  • std.err a vector containing the standard errors.

  • vcov the variance covariance matrix, obtained as the numerical inverse of the observed information matrix.

  • method the method used to fit the parameter.

  • nllh the negative log-likelihood evaluated at the parameter estimate.

  • convergence components taken from the list returned by auglag. Values other than 0 indicate that the algorithm likely did not converge.

  • counts components taken from the list returned by auglag.

  • xdat vector of data


xdat <- mev::rgev(n = 100)
fit.gev(xdat, show = TRUE)
#> Log-likelihood: -158.857 
#> Estimates
#>      loc     scale     shape  
#>  0.06211   1.05001  -0.07220  
#> Standard Errors
#>     loc    scale    shape  
#> 0.11896  0.08553  0.07731  
#> Optimization Information
#>   Convergence: successful 
#>   Function Evaluations: 44 
#>   Gradient Evaluations: 18 
# Example with fixed parameter
fit.gev(xdat, show = TRUE, fpar = list(shape = 0))
#> Log-likelihood: -159.2538 
#> Estimates
#>     loc    scale  
#> 0.02176  1.02766  
#> Standard Errors
#>     loc    scale  
#> 0.10844  0.07963  
#> Parameters
#>     loc    scale    shape  
#> 0.02176  1.02766  0.00000  
#> Optimization Information
#>   Convergence: successful 
#>   Function Evaluations: 55 
#>   Gradient Evaluations: 17 