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Simulation from R-Pareto processes


  shape = 1,
  riskf = c("sum", "site", "max", "min", "l2"),
  siteindex = NULL,
  model = c("log", "neglog", "bilog", "negbilog", "hr", "br", "xstud", "smith",
    "schlather", "ct", "sdir", "dirmix"),
  coord = NULL,



number of observations


shape tail index of Pareto variable


string indicating risk functional.


integer between 1 and d specifying the index of the site or variable


dimension of sample


parameter vector for the logistic, bilogistic, negative bilogistic and extremal Dirichlet (Coles and Tawn) model. Parameter matrix for the Dirichlet mixture. Degree of freedoms for extremal student model. See Details.


covariance matrix for Brown-Resnick and extremal Student-t distributions. Symmetric matrix of squared coefficients \(\lambda^2\) for the Husler-Reiss model, with zero diagonal elements.


for multivariate extreme value distributions, users can choose between 1-parameter logistic and negative logistic, asymmetric logistic and negative logistic, bilogistic, Husler-Reiss, extremal Dirichlet model (Coles and Tawn) or the Dirichlet mixture. Spatial models include the Brown-Resnick, Smith, Schlather and extremal Student max-stable processes.


vector of length m for the m mixture components. Must sum to one


semivariogram function whose first argument must be distance. Used only if provided in conjunction with coord and if sigma is missing


d by k matrix of coordinates, used as input in the variogram vario or as parameter for the Smith model. If grid is TRUE, unique entries should be supplied.


additional arguments for the vario function


an n by d sample from the R-Pareto process, with attributes

accept.rate if the procedure uses rejection sampling.


For riskf=max and riskf=min, the procedure uses rejection sampling based on Pareto variates sampled from sum and may be slow if d is large.


rparp(n=10, riskf='site', siteindex=2, d=3, param=2.5, model='log')
#>            [,1]      [,2]       [,3]
#>  [1,] 0.5205532  1.169529  0.3019653
#>  [2,] 8.3212908 20.872509 14.3216828
#>  [3,] 3.3079391  2.062201  2.3010762
#>  [4,] 3.1409314 10.194357  2.5849316
#>  [5,] 4.4333279  3.569126  5.0587967
#>  [6,] 0.2875454  1.522112  0.2000385
#>  [7,] 3.2483324  3.627769  4.5665723
#>  [8,] 3.8668812  7.218984  2.9432878
#>  [9,] 0.8773408  1.567841  0.5226220
#> [10,] 2.1739006  1.431146  1.6115397
rparp(n=10, riskf='min', d=3, param=2.5, model='neglog')
#>            [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
#>  [1,]  2.774302  2.188398  4.040038
#>  [2,]  2.204818  2.704259  2.204541
#>  [3,]  1.412945  1.262686  2.915136
#>  [4,] 36.498084 33.047126 33.512590
#>  [5,]  2.849560  2.164274  1.291494
#>  [6,]  2.423900  4.476641  4.098832
#>  [7,]  3.684942  2.125312  1.741565
#>  [8,]  1.872165  1.410299  1.521108
#>  [9,] 52.053831 27.990095 27.469476
#> [10,]  3.249972  5.661364  3.050884
#> attr(,"accept.rate")
#> [1] 0.06470588
rparp(n=10, riskf='max', d=4, param=c(0.2,0.1,0.9,0.5), model='bilog')
#>             [,1]       [,2]       [,3]        [,4]
#>  [1,]  1.6499266  1.5719955 0.28164929  1.42753677
#>  [2,]  2.7076038  2.1237916 0.09405382  2.14822469
#>  [3,]  1.0298746  1.4015951 0.97216797  0.47878698
#>  [4,]  0.2309301  0.2502851 0.03897558  1.15916300
#>  [5,]  0.8219053  0.7741385 0.19059151  1.60879388
#>  [6,]  3.9471682  2.7851823 0.21142681  1.89020168
#>  [7,] 27.9535028 20.8606122 2.12565893 38.62623416
#>  [8,]  1.6136564  1.6628993 0.12853638  1.13007441
#>  [9,]  1.7452394  1.2869224 0.10842765  0.84493730
#> [10,]  0.1389264  0.1104088 6.57042273  0.05079526
#> attr(,"accept.rate")
#> [1] 0.575
rparp(n=10, riskf='sum', d=3, param=c(0.8,1.2,0.6, -0.5), model='sdir')
#>               [,1]         [,2]       [,3]
#>  [1,] 6.739490e-01 6.119699e-01 0.25174931
#>  [2,] 5.368571e-01 3.716128e-01 0.09773564
#>  [3,] 4.163048e-01 8.894680e-01 0.17349280
#>  [4,] 2.541475e-01 9.144824e-01 0.45629686
#>  [5,] 4.254960e-01 7.518886e-01 0.41517212
#>  [6,] 2.590442e-01 1.622627e+00 0.18439240
#>  [7,] 9.798641e-01 1.655554e+00 0.40448557
#>  [8,] 1.022937e+00 1.021145e+00 0.19466411
#>  [9,] 9.837010e-01 4.446923e-01 0.24405041
#> [10,] 2.429242e-05 2.839243e-05 1.08409276
vario <- function(x, scale=0.5, alpha=0.8){ scale*x^alpha }
grid.coord <- as.matrix(expand.grid(runif(4), runif(4)))
rparp(n=10, riskf='max', vario=vario, coord=grid.coord, model='br')
#>             [,1]       [,2]       [,3]       [,4]       [,5]       [,6]
#>  [1,]  2.1565628  3.5032289  1.0687349  1.6845863  2.5052101  2.7687469
#>  [2,]  1.8073013  2.5808173  0.7238747  1.3664819  1.5527122  2.4479852
#>  [3,]  0.9641883  1.4078066  1.1652096  1.2651282  1.1846826  1.4529367
#>  [4,] 24.2960136 21.1677515 25.3849052 31.2993152 23.4522527 19.8038423
#>  [5,]  0.2623399  0.1610200  0.5148942  0.3100824  0.2588904  0.1576458
#>  [6,]  0.6224662  0.5954993  0.6931661  0.6256595  0.7467028  0.4242889
#>  [7,]  4.4068790  7.6818033  6.6809653  4.2161763  4.7688218  5.3468709
#>  [8,]  0.4485540  0.5397275  0.2529820  0.3382310  0.4272794  0.5437028
#>  [9,]  4.8924758  2.8373914  3.7709922  3.2998754  5.1397967  3.5227807
#> [10,]  3.5283197  6.5822710  3.2302438  3.4746952  3.5548155  6.0103387
#>             [,7]       [,8]       [,9]      [,10]      [,11]      [,12]
#>  [1,]  0.8765050  1.8044312  2.0623018  2.7025699  2.9746768  2.4851607
#>  [2,]  0.6372505  1.2954497  1.6654801  2.1342890  0.4559204  1.3503820
#>  [3,]  1.2059621  0.8178160  0.7728189  0.6371853  1.5488882  0.8972392
#>  [4,] 25.1549211 40.8428690 17.8647918 21.6815953 19.0815408 24.0091171
#>  [5,]  0.5490413  0.2893498  0.3455399  0.3083367  1.4003553  0.4725351
#>  [6,]  0.8719878  0.6229794  0.9287061  0.6324174  1.2036147  1.0648592
#>  [7,]  4.6158347  4.2115794  4.9902882  4.4109813  4.5037516  3.5333300
#>  [8,]  0.2500920  0.2703083  0.5777348  0.6742344  0.2447332  0.3648714
#>  [9,]  4.8942015  3.3455813  4.2551062  5.2560588  4.2094760  2.8490155
#> [10,]  3.5451940  3.4321743  7.8024140  6.2994353 12.0595200 11.5968547
#>            [,13]      [,14]      [,15]      [,16]
#>  [1,]  2.3094830  2.7880425  1.9123535  3.5442142
#>  [2,]  1.2903689  1.7837315  0.5557769  1.3141529
#>  [3,]  0.9660834  1.2738701  1.5119081  1.1301826
#>  [4,] 22.6644653 28.7974071 17.5812823 18.7864854
#>  [5,]  0.5045917  0.2321418  0.8596123  0.4938763
#>  [6,]  1.0624686  1.0695272  0.8229585  0.7225962
#>  [7,]  3.4451189  3.8594817  3.8816716  5.2058317
#>  [8,]  0.6963661  1.3273849  0.2345849  0.5242572
#>  [9,]  3.7267325  3.3082127  4.2070548  4.0071518
#> [10,]  4.3428326  6.2809951  8.7437129  6.2523605
#> attr(,"accept.rate")
#> [1] 0.09589041