
The course content is divided in chapters: for each topic, readers have access to course notes, sample code and exercises sheets.

R packages and data

You can access the data sets in R by installing the hecstatmod package. The following chunk will install all R packages that are used throughout the course.

lib <- c("afex", "broom", "car", "dplyr", "emmeans",
         "ggplot2", "Hmisc", "lme4", "lmerTest", 
         "marginaleffects", "MASS", "multcomp", "nlme", 
         "patchwork", "poorman", "remotes", "survminer",
         "survival", "tidyr", "tinytable")
for(pack in lib){
  if(!require(pack, quietly = TRUE)){

Note: not all data sets are currently documented in hecstatmod. Please re-install the package periodically to benefit from the latest features.