Learning objectives
This page lists the chapter-specific and overall learning objectives for the course
At the end of this chapter, students should be able to
- Understanding the role of uncertainty in decision making.
- Understanding the importance of signal-to-noise ratio as a measure of evidence.
- Formulating the null and alternative hypotheses attached to a problem statement.
- Understanding and correctly interpreting \(p\)-values and confidence intervals;
Linear regression
At the end of the chapter, students should be able to
- interpret the coefficients of a linear model (binary, continuous and categorical variables);
- fit the model by least squares (using dedicated software), correctly accounting for categorical variables;
- test for statistical significance of model parameters as well as global significance;
- obtain predictions from a linear model using software; understand the distinction between estimated mean and predicted values;
- interpret the coefficients of the log-linear model on a meaningful scale;
- interpret and test the significance of interaction terms between continuous and categorical variables, as well as between two categorical variables;
- conceptualize the notion of collinearity and understand its impacts on statistical inference.
- test for equality of means in multiple (sub-groups) and also mean differences between groups with one or two factors;
- list the assumptions of the linear model and understand their meaning;
- use graphical diagnostic tools to validate the model assumptions.
Likelihood-based modelling
At the end of the chapter, students should be able to:
- understand what the likelihood represents;
- derive the maximum likelihood estimator of a simple model;
- understand the maximum likelihood principle;
- perform likelihood ratio tests for two nested models using software output;
- use information criteria to compare two non-nested models.
Generalized linear models
At the end of the chapter, students should be able to - write the equation linking predictors and parameters for Poisson, binomial and normal generalized linear models with canonical link function; - understand the relationship between mean and variance in generalized linear models; - interpret parameters of the Poisson and negative binomial models; - test for overdispersion in Poisson models using likelihood ratio tests; - assess the quality of the fit of a Poisson model using the deviance statistic; - test independence in contingency tables using a saturated Poisson model. - interpret software output for generalized linear models and the respective merits of different functions; - interpret parameters of logistic regression models in terms of log-odds. - model success rate for aggregated data using a Poisson regression with an offset or a binomial generalized linear regression and correctly interpret the rates.
Linear mixed models
At the end of the chapter, students should be able to
- understand the concept of group-effect;
- know in which context to use random group-effects as opposed to fixed group-effects (covariates constant within group, large number of groups with few observations in each);
- write down the equation of the mixed model with random-intercept(s) and random-slope(s);
- write down the model assumptions (linearity, covariance within-group and between-group, etc.);
- write the covariance matrix of observations given parameter estimates (sum of covariance matrices of random effects and errors);
- distinguish between the adequate structures for correlated and longitudinal data;
- distinguish predicted (marginal) mean and individual predictions with random effects (conditional);
- obtain predictions for new observations from mixed models using dedicated software.
Introduction to survival analysis
At the end of the chapter, students should be able to
- explain key concepts (truncation, censoring) arising in survival analysis in your own word and provide examples of the latter;
- recognize scenarios with random right censoring;
- interpret a Kaplan–Meier nonparametric estimate of the survival function;
- compare and test for equality of survival curves using a score test;
- interpret the coefficients of the Cox proportional hazard model and check for their significance.
Global objectives
At the end of the course, students should be able to de
- set up a database in a format suitable for a regression analysis (e.g., in long format).
- choose an adequate regression model for data.
- criticise the quality of model fit.
- synthetise the conclusions of a regression model.
- compare different regression models based on their respective benefits.
- formulate practical recommandations based on a regression model.