<- 10L # number of observations
nobs <- 8 # average waiting time
ybar <- 1000L # number of draws
B # Un-normalized log posterior: scaled log likelihood + log prior
<- function(x){
log_post dgamma(x = x, shape = nobs + 1L, rate = nobs*ybar, log = TRUE) +
log(2) + dt(x = x, df = 1, log = TRUE)}
<- rust::ru(logf = log_post,
post_samp n = B,
d = 1, # dimension of parameter (scalar)
init = nobs/ybar)$sim_vals # initial value of mode
Exercises 4
Exercise 4.1
Consider the Laplace family of distribution, \(\mathsf{Laplace}(\nu, \tau)\), with density \[\begin{align*} g(x; \nu, \tau) = \frac{1}{2\tau} \exp\left(- \frac{|x-\nu|}{\tau}\right), \qquad \nu \in \mathbb{R}, \tau > 0 \end{align*}\] as a candidate distribution for rejection sampling from \(\mathsf{Gauss}(0,1).\)
- Provide an inversion sampling algorithm to generate from \(\mathsf{Laplace}(\nu, \tau).\)
- Can you use the proposal to generate from a standard Gaussian? for Student-\(t\) with 1 degree of freedom? Justify your answer.
- Consider as proposal a location-scale version of the Student-t with \(\nu=3\) degrees of freedom. Find the optimal location and scale parameters and the upper bound \(C\) for your choice.
- Use the accept-reject to simulate 1000 independent observations and compute the empirical acceptance rate.
Exercise 4.2
We revisit Exercise 2.3, which used a half-Cauchy prior for the exponential waiting time of buses.
The ratio-of-uniform method, implemented in the rust
R package, can be used to simulate independent draws from the posterior of the rate \(\lambda\). The following code produces
Estimate using the independent Monte Carlo samples:
- the probability that the waiting time is between 3 and 15 minutes
- the average waiting time
- the standard deviation of the waiting time.
Next, implement a random walk Metropolis–Hastings algorithm to sample draws from the posterior and re-estimate the quantities. Compare the values and the standard errors of the posterior mean for \(\lambda.\)
Exercise 4.3
Consider the following code which implements a Metropolis–Hastings algorithm to simulate observations from a \(\mathsf{beta}(0.5, 0.5)\) density.
<- function(par){
log_f dbeta(x = par, shape1 = 0.5, shape2 = 0.5, log = TRUE)
}<- function(B, sd_prop = 0.2){
metropo <- rep(0, B)
chain # Draw initial value
<- runif(1)
cur for(b in seq_len(B)){
repeat {
# Simulate proposal from Gaussian random walk proposal
<- cur + rnorm(1, sd = sd_prop)
prop # check admissibility for probability of success
if (prop >= 0 & prop <= 1)
}# Compute (log) acceptance ratio
<- log_f(prop) - log_f(cur)
logR # Accept the move if R > u
if(isTRUE(logR > log(runif(1)))){
<- prop
}<- cur
}# Run MCMC for 10K iterations
<- metropo(1e4L) mc
To see if the algorithm works:
- Plot the density of the Markov chain draws along with the beta density curve.
- Check that empirical moments match the theoretical ones
If the algorithm is incorrect, provide a fix and explain the reason for the problem.