R is an object-oriented interpreted language. It differs from usual programming languages in that it is designed for interactive analyses.

You can find several introductions to R online. Have a look at the R manuals or better at contributed manuals. A nice official reference is An introduction to R. You may wish to look up the following chapters of the R language definition (Evaluation of expressions and part of the Objects chapter). Another good (small reference) is the cheatsheet Getting started in R.

C.1 Basics of R


Help can be accessed via help or simply ?, e.g., help("Normal"). See R page about help files.

Basic commands

Basic R commands are fairly intuitive, especially if you want to use R as a calculator. Elementary functions such as sum, min, max, sqrt, log, exp, etc., are self-explanatory.

Some (unconventional) features of the language:

  • R is case sensitive.
  • Use <- for assignments to a variable, and = for matching arguments inside functions
  • Indexing in R starts at 1, not 0.
  • Most functions in R are vectorized and loops are typically inefficient.
  • Integers are obtained by appending L to the number, so 2L is an integer and 2 a double (numerical).

Besides integers and doubles, the common types are

  • logical (TRUE and FALSE);
  • null pointers (NULL), which can be assigned to arguments;
  • missing values, namely NA or NaN. These can also be obtained a result of invalid mathematical operations such as log(-2).

Beware! In R, invalid calls will often returns something rather than an error. It is therefore good practice to check that the output is sensical.

Linear algebra in R

R is an object oriented language, and the basic elements in R are (column) vector. Below is a glossary with some useful commands for performing basic manipulation of vectors and matrix operations:

  • c concatenates elements to form a vector
  • cbind (rbind) binds column (row) vectors
  • matrix and vector are constructors
  • diag creates a diagonal matrix (by default with ones)
  • t is the function for transpose
  • rep creates a vector of duplicates, seq a sequence. For integers \(i\), \(j\) with \(i<j\), i:j generates the sequence \(i, i+1, \ldots, j-1, j\).

Subsetting is fairly intuitive and general; you can use vectors, logical statements. For example, if x is a vector, then

  • x[2] returns the second element
  • x[-2] returns all but the second element
  • x[1:5] returns the first five elements
  • x[(length(x) - 5):length(x)] returns the last five elements
  • x[c(1, 2, 4)] returns the first, second and fourth element
  • x[x > 3] return any element greater than 3. Possibly an empty vector of length zero!
  • x[ x < -2 | x > 2] multiple logical conditions.
  • which(x == max(x)) index of elements satisfying a logical condition.

For a matrix x, subsetting now involves dimensions: [1,2] returns the element in the first row, second column. x[,2] will return all of the rows, but only the second column. For lists, you can use [[ for subsetting by index or the $ sign by names.


The great strength of R comes from its contributed libraries (called packages), which contain functions and datasets provided by third parties. Some of these (base, stats, graphics, etc.) are loaded by default whenever you open a session.

To install a package from CRAN, use install.packages("package"), replacing package by the package name. Once installed, packages can be loaded using library(package); all the functions in package will be available in the environment.

There are drawbacks to loading packages: if an object with the same name from another package is already present in your environment, it will be hidden. Use the double-colon operator :: to access a single object from an installed package (package::object).


  • datasets are typically stored inside a data.frame, a matrix-like object whose columns contain the variables and the rows the observation vectors.
  • The columns can be of different types (integer, double, logical, character), but all the column vectors must be of the same length.
  • Variable names can be displayed by using names(faithful).
  • Individual columns can be accessed using the column name using the $ operator. For example, faithful$eruptions will return the first column of the faithful dataset.
  • To load a dataset from an (installed) R package, use the command data with the name of the package as an argument (must be a string). The package datasets is loaded by default whenever you open R, so these are always in the search path.

The following functions can be useful to get a quick glimpse of the data:

  • summary provides descriptive statistics for the variable.
  • str provides the first few elements with each variable, along with the dimension
  • head (tail) prints the first (last) \(n\) lines of the object to the console (default is \(n=6\)).

We start by loading a dataset of the Old Faithful Geyser of Yellowstone National park and looking at its entries.

# Load Old faithful dataset
data(faithful, package = "datasets")
# Query the database for documentation
# look at first entries
##   eruptions waiting
## 1      3.60      79
## 2      1.80      54
## 3      3.33      74
## 4      2.28      62
## 5      4.53      85
## 6      2.88      55
## 'data.frame':    272 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ eruptions: num  3.6 1.8 3.33 2.28 4.53 ...
##  $ waiting  : num  79 54 74 62 85 55 88 85 51 85 ...
# What kind of object is faithful? 
## [1] "data.frame"

Other common classes of objects:

  • matrix: an object with attributes dim, ncol and nrow in addition to length, which gives the total number of elements.
  • array: a higher dimensional extension of matrix with arguments dim and dimnames.
  • list: an unstructured class whose elements are accessed using double indexing [[ ]] and elements are typically accessed using $ symbol with names. To delete an element from a list, assign NULL to it.
  • data.frame is a special type of list where all the elements are vectors of potentially different type, but of the same length.

Base graphics

The faithful dataset consists of two variables: the regressand waiting and the regressor eruptions. One could postulate that the waiting time between eruptions will be smaller if the eruption time is small, since pressure needs to build up for the eruption to happen. We can look at the data to see if there is a linear relationship between the variables.

An image is worth a thousand words and in statistics, visualization is crucial. Scatterplots are produced using the function plot. You can control the graphic console options using par — see ?plot and ?par for a description of the basic and advanced options available.

Once plot has been called, you can add additional observations as points (lines) to the graph using point (lines) in place of plot. If you want to add a line (horizontal, vertical, or with known intercept and slope), use the function abline.

Other functions worth mentioning for simple graphics:

  • boxplot creates a box-and-whiskers plot
  • hist creates an histogram, either on frequency or probability scale (option freq = FALSE). breaks control the number of bins. rug adds lines below the graph indicating the value of the observations.
  • pairs creates a matrix of scatterplots, akin to plot for data frame objects.

There are two options for basic graphics: the base graphics package and the package ggplot2. The latter is a more recent proposal that builds on a modular approach and is more easily customizable — I suggest you stick to either and ggplot2 is a good option if you don’t know R already, as the learning curve will be about the same. Even if the display from ggplot2 is nicer, this is no excuse for not making proper graphics. Always label the axis and include measurement units!

C.2 Linear models in R using the lm function

The function lm is the workshorse for fitting linear models in R. It takes as input a formula: suppose you have a data frame containing columns x (a regressor) and y (the regressand); you can then call lm(y ~ x) to fit the linear model \(y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x + \varepsilon\). The explanatory variable y is on the left hand side, while the right hand side should contain the predictors, separated by a + sign if there are more than one. If you provide the data frame name using data, then the shorthand y ~ . fits all the columns of the data frame (but y) as regressors.

If you include categorical variables, make sure they are transformed to factors. Normally, strings are cast to factor (unless you specify stringsAsFactors = FALSE) upon import of the data, but the danger here lies with variables that are encoded using integers (sex, revenue class, level of education, marital status, etc.) It is okay if we keep binary variables as is if they are encoded using \(0/1\), but it is often better to cast them to factor to get more meaningful labels given the lack of obvious ordering.

By default, the baseline level for a factor is based on the alphabetical order, while SAS uses the first value it encounters. Once the variables are cast to factor, summary will print the counts for each respective categories; these could be likewise be obtained using table.

To fit higher order polynomials, use poly. For transformations, use the I function to tell R to interpret the input “as is”. Thus, lm(y~x+I(x^2)), would fit a linear model with design matrix \((\boldsymbol{1}_n, \mathbf{x}^\top, \mathbf{x}^2)^\top\). A constant is automatically included in the regression, but can be removed by writing -1 or +0 on the right hand side of the formula (but don’t do that!). The lm function output will display ordinary least squares estimates along with standard errors, \(t\) values for the Wald test of the hypothesis \(\mathrm{H}_0: \beta_i=0\) and the associated \(P\)-values. Other statistics and information about the sample size, the degrees of freedom, etc., are given at the bottom of the table.

Many methods allow you to extract specific objects from lm objects. For example, the functions coef, resid, fitted, model.matrix will return the coefficients \(\widehat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\), the ordinary residuals \(\boldsymbol{e}\), the fitted values \(\widehat{\boldsymbol{y}}\) and the design matrix \(\mathbf{X}\), respectively.

data(college, package = "hecstatmod") #load data
class(college$rank) #check that rank is a factor
## [1] "factor"
#if not, use the following "<-" to assign, "$" to access the column of a data.frame/list
# college$rank <- factor(college$rank, labels = c("assistant","associate","full"))
linmod <- lm(salary ~ sex + rank + service + field, data = college)
coef(linmod) #coefficients
##      (Intercept)         sexwoman    rankassociate         rankfull 
##          86.5963          -4.7712          14.5604          49.1596 
##          service fieldtheoretical 
##          -0.0888         -13.4734
summary(linmod) #summary table
## Call:
## lm(formula = salary ~ sex + rank + service + field, data = college)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -64.20 -14.26  -1.53  10.57  99.16 
## Coefficients:
##                  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)       86.5963     2.9603   29.25  < 2e-16 ***
## sexwoman          -4.7712     3.8780   -1.23  0.21931    
## rankassociate     14.5604     4.0983    3.55  0.00043 ***
## rankfull          49.1596     3.8345   12.82  < 2e-16 ***
## service           -0.0888     0.1116   -0.80  0.42696    
## fieldtheoretical -13.4734     2.3155   -5.82  1.2e-08 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 22.7 on 391 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.448,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.441 
## F-statistic: 63.4 on 5 and 391 DF,  p-value: <2e-16
confint(linmod) #confidence intervals for model parameters
##                    2.5 % 97.5 %
## (Intercept)       80.776 92.416
## sexwoman         -12.396  2.853
## rankassociate      6.503 22.618
## rankfull          41.621 56.698
## service           -0.308  0.131
## fieldtheoretical -18.026 -8.921
yhat <- fitted(linmod) #fitted values
e <- resid(linmod) #ordinary residuals