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This R package contains data sets for the HEC Montreal PhD course MATH 80667A (Experimental Design and Statistical Methods).

Most of the databases are extracted from journal articles who shared their data on Open Science Foundation, on Research Box or otherwise.

You can install the package from Github using the following commands after installing remotes:

# Uncomment this line if the package 'remotes' isn't installed
name source usage
AA21 Amirabdolahian and Ali-Adeeb (2021) repeated measures, linear mixed model
AVC02 Anandarajan, Viger and Curatola (2002) MANOVA
BJF14_S1 Bastian, Jetten and Ferris (2014) one-way ANOVA, mediation
BL22_E Brucks and Levav (2022), eyetracker data Kruskall-Wallis test
BL22_L Brucks and Levav (2022), Lab experiment negative binomial regression, linear mixed model
BMH19_E2 Bobak, Mileva and Hancock (2019), Experiment 2 one-way ANOVA, repeated measures
BRLS21_EDA Brodeur et al. (2021) exploratory data analysis linear mixed model, repeated measure ANOVA
BRLS21_T3 Brodeur et al. (2021), Table 3 Wilcoxon signed-rank test
BSJ92 Baumann, Seifert-Kessell and Jones (1992) one-way ANOVA, ANCOVA
C16 Chandler (2016) replication two-way ANOVA
C18 Clayton (2018) linear mixed model, clustered standard errors
C22 Curley et al. (2022) linear mixed model, incomplete design
DA23_E1 Duke and Amir (2023), Experiment 1 t-test
DA23_E2 Duke and Amir (2023), Experiment 2 one-way ANOVA, logistic regression
DM22_S1 Dorison and Minson (2022), Study 1 paired t-test
DM22_S2 Dorison and Minson (2022), Study 2 two-way mixed ANOVA
DM22_S3 Dorison and Minson (2022), Study 3 two-way mixed ANOVA, mediation
DM22_S4 Dorison and Minson (2022), Study 4 t-test
FBC66_T1 Flavell, Beach and Chinsky (1966), Table 1 chi-square test
GK14_S3 Grossman and Kross (2014), Study 3 one-way ANOVA, multiple testing, contrasts
GSC20_E2 Gaesser, Shimura and Cikara (2020), Experiment 2 linear mixed model, hierarchical model
HB22_S5 Halevy and Berson (2022), Study 5 three-way mixed design
HBSC24_S4 Huang, Brucks, Song and Campbell (2024), Study 4 contrasts, mediation
HOSM22_E3 Hatano et al. (2022), Experiment 3 two-way mixed ANOVA
HOSM22_E4 Hatano et al. (2022), Experiment 4 linear mixed model,
HS22_P Hart and Schweitzer (2022), preliminary study linear mixed model, repeated measure ANOVA
HS22_S2 Hart and Schweitzer (2022), Study 2 mediation
JCD14_S2 Johnson, Cheung and Donnellan (2014), Study 2 t-test
JZBJG22_E2 Jordan et al. (2022), Experiment 2 two-way ANOVA
KSBN24_S3 Koetke et al. (2024), Study 3 two-way ANOVA, multiple testing
KSBN24_S4 Koetke et al. (2024), Study 4 two-way ANOVA, mediation
KSBN24_S5L Koetke et al. (2024), Study 5 (long) repeated measures, MANOVA
KSBN24_S5 Koetke et al. (2024), Study 5 one-way ANOVA, mediation
L22_E4 Liu (2022), Experiment 4 two-way mixed ANOVA, mediation
LBJ17_S1A Lages, Boyle and Jenkins (2017) Study 1A three-way mixed design
LC19_S1 Lee and Choi (2019), Study 1 ANCOVA
LC19_S2 Lee and Choi (2019), Study 2 ANCOVA, mediation
LC19_T2 Lee and Choi (2019), Table 2 chi-square test
LJLSFBM20 Labonté-LeMoyne et al. (2020) repeated measures, three-way ANOVA, linear mixed model
LKUK24_S3 Lin et al. (2024), Study 3 three-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA
LKUK24_S4 Lin et al. (2024), Study 4 three-way ANOVA, moderated mediation
LRMM23_S1 Liu et al. (2023) Study 1 two-way ANOVA
LRMM23_S3 Liu et al. (2023), Study 3 paired t-test
LRMM23_S5b Liu et al. (2013), Study 5b t-test, mediation
LWSH23_S3 Leckfor et al (2023), Study 3 moderation, ANCOVA
MANY18_S18 ManyLab2 replication of Risen and Gilovich (2008) effect size, two-way ANOVA, random effect
MP14_S1 Maglio and Polman (2014), Study 2 two-way ANOVA
MULTI21_D1 Elliot et al. (2021), dataset 1 chi-square test, hierarchical
MULTI21_D2 Elliot et al. (2021), dataset 2 linear mixed model, ANOVA
MV23_S1 Moon and vanEpps (2023), Study 1 chi-square test, t-test
MV23_S4 Moon and vanEpps (2023), Study 4 logistic regression
MV23_SH Moon and vanEpps (2023), Supplementary study H Wilcoxon test, chi-square test
PCSCFL24_S1 Poirier et al. (2024), Study 1 repeated measures, one-way ANOVA, linear mixed model
PCSCFL24_S2 Poirier et al. (2024), Study 2 two-way ANOVA, ANCOVA
PCSCFL24_S2 Poirier et al. (2024), Study 2 chi-square test
RH19_S1 Roczniewska and Higgins (2019), Study 1 mediation
RJ74 Rosen and Jerdee (1974) chi-square test
RT22_S2 de la Rosa and Tully (2022), Study 2 t-test, mediation
RT22_S4 de la Rosa and Tully (2022), Study 4 two-way ANOVA, moderated mediation
RT22_S5 de la Rosa and Tully (2022), Study 5 serial mediation
SE24_S2B Sharma and Estes (2024), Study 2B two-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, mediation
SE24_S3 Sharma and Estes (2024), Study 3 paired t-test, moderation, mediation, mixed ANOVA
SKD23_S2A Sokolova el al. (2023), Study 2A one-way ANOVA, contrasts
SSVB21_S2 van Stekelenburg et al. (2021), Study 2 ANCOVA
SSVB21_S3 van Stekelenburg et al. (2021), Study 3 ANCOVA
STC21_SS5 Sharma, Tully, and Cryder (2021), supplementary study 5 two-way ANOVA